Huma-air Airgun Lube Silicone Grease
Our special low viscosity silicone grease for regulator and o-ring maintenace.
Airgun Lube Silicone Grease Lubricant.
We use this low viscosity Airgun Silicone Grease in our own production for the lubrication of the internal- and external o-rings of our regulators.
Standard silicone greases are often thick and clumpy what makes it not very suitable to deal with dynamic movement of the internal regulator parts.
This silicone grease is specially made according to our own specifications; it spreads well on the surface and has an excelent penetration grade.
Due to the low viscosity the grease keeps moving inside the regulator, leaving a constant thin lubricant film on all moving parts for a long time.
You can use this Airgunlube Silicone Grease for the maintenance of all o-rings in your airrile, like the internal pressure tube o-rings, pelletprobe o-rings and of course it can be very usefull to lubricate the cylinderwall when you are fitting a regulator inside the pressure tube. Only a few drops will be sufficient to maintain your rifle.
Available in 10 and an extra large 20 gram dripper bottle.
Airgun Lube is non toxic and made of silicone oil with a thickener, despite not suitable for human consumption and not suitable for in- or external use on or in the human body.