Huma-Air fill valve removal tool for Air Arms S4/5xx Models
Huma-Air fill valve removal tool for the Air Arms S400, S410, S510, EV2, TDR, FTP900, Ultimate Sporter air cylinder.
For the professional tuner among us we have this handy tool what might help you to remove the fill valve body from your Air Arms S400, S410, S510, EV2, TDR, FTP900 or Ultimate Sporter air cylinder.
It can be used to hold the fill valve body so that you can unscrew it because some of them can be very tight. It can also be used to hold the fill valve body so that you can use a 10mm spanner to remove or fit the T bar fill valve.
It is not suitable for the S200/CZ 200.
The tool has been machined out of massive aluminum, it has been designed to fit over the T bar fill valve. You can then clamp the tool in a vice or use a large adjustable spanner etc to unscrew the ends of the cylinder. The flats on the tool measure around 27mm or 1.063". The tool has 3 sets of holes, set at different distances apart, to cater for all known Air Arms fill valve bodies. It comes with removable pins that can be moved between the different holes to suit different rifles.