Calibre: .22/5.5 mm
Content approx. 80 pcs.
You can keep all rifled and smooth barrels in perfect condition with the VFG quick cleaning pellets.
How quick cleaning pellets work:
When the weapon is fired, an overpressure occurs that causes the pellet to shrink in length but expand sideways. As a result, it is pressed against the sides of the barrel (and also into the rifling grooves), wiping it and polishing it thoroughly.
For Air Rifles and Air Pistols:
It's simple and quick. You just shoot the pellets. Make sure the pellets are stopped safely into the stop butt or pellet catcher.
Normal cleaning:
After each use of your air rifle or air pistol, shoot two VFG quick cleaning pellets, and the barrel is clean.
Thorough cleaning:
At certain intervals, every gun barrel (firearms) needs to be thoroughly cleaned using a good-quality gun oil (e.g. Ballistol). With quick cleaning pellets, this is easy: Simply soak two pellets in oil and fire them off in turn.
The bore is now coated with a uniform film of oil that will loosen any dirt and metal residues. Then degrease the barrel again by firing dry pellets until they emerge white and without any dirt.